Huddersfield runs the UK’s first Hydrocolloids Symposium

This story published on Friday 20 September 2013
Symposium success for the University’s Carbohydrate Research Group


This story published on Monday 16 September 2013
Paul Ward continues to work on his study of the Beefeaters and Britishness at the Tower of London.

Britishness in wartime films

This story published on Monday 16 September 2013
In July, Professor Wendy Webster spoke to Richard Holloway on BBC Radio Scotland as part of the Scot’s History of Britishness series. She discussed Britishness in wartime films, wartime wireless and how the post-war empire was covered in the media.

A partnership in Accelerating Technology

This story published on Wednesday 9 November 2011
The University of Huddersfield and Siemens join forces to develop a new generation of particle accelerators for science and technology

Finding England conference

This story published on Monday 16 September 2013
Wednesday 12 March sees the Academy for British and Irish Studies host a major day-long event on the subject of ‘Finding England’. It pursues various interpretations of what England and Englishness was, is, and might be.

Imperial War Museum North

This story published on Monday 16 September 2013
Paul Ward and Wendy Webster, as well as PhD students Jo Dyrlaga and Alice Brumby, attended an academic networking event at the Imperial War Museum North in July.

More focus needed on ‘extremism’ and White Young People?

This story published on Monday 16 September 2013
The ‘Prevent’ policy, Britain’s policy approach to terrorism prevention has consistently been mistaken in its focus only on Muslim communities, in the view of the University of Huddersfield’s Professor Paul Thomas.

New book on Muslim discourses of Integration.

This story published on Monday 16 September 2013
The ‘integration’ or the supposed lack of it by British Muslim communities has been a constant focus for sections of politics and the media over the past decades, often with little or no evidence base.

Sound System Culture

This story published on Monday 16 September 2013
SSC is a Heritage Lottery Fund project narrating a history of reggae and sound systems in Huddersfield since the 1960s.

The Northern Ireland Culture Wars

This story published on Monday 16 September 2013
The Political Studies Association Specialist Group on Britishness, based at the University of Huddersfield, will hold a one day symposium entitled the ‘Northern Ireland Culture Wars’ at the University of Ulster, Belfast on 22 November 2013. The event, in collaboration with the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences at University of Ulster, is funded by the Political Studies Association.

Hudds joins €6.2 million European machine tool project

This story published on Friday 27 September 2013
Multi-national research project to double lifespan of machine tools

Huddersfield offers the English version of CMTrain

This story published on Thursday 26 September 2013
EPSRC advanced metrology centre teams up with institutions across Europe

Researcher brings the movies to university lectures

This story published on Monday 2 September 2013
Student Vijay sets sights on Bollywood career

Top engineer turns to a career in research

This story published on Wednesday 18 September 2013
Researcher Dave wins IET Gerald David Memorial Prize

Metrology breakfast events - how we can help your business

This story published on Friday 27 September 2013
EPSRC Centre launches sector-focused breakfast events

Surface topography event - Wednesday 6 November

This story published on Wednesday 4 September 2013
Hear the latest advances in the measurement, characterisation and use of structured surfaces

Assessment Day Success

This story published on Thursday 19 September 2013
The University of Huddersfield’s newly formed Legal Advice Clinic recently held a Competency Assessment Centre to find this year’s Clinic Advisor’s

PhD Completion

This story published on Friday 20 September 2013
Osama Ben Mansour awarded PhD