Nutrition Lecturer wins Reading List award

Tue, 01 Jul 2014 14:06:00 BST
Senior Lecturer in Nutrition Dr Jane Bradbury has won an award for the best MyReading site in the School of Applied Sciences. The award, announced by Professor Tim Thornton, Pro Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Learning at the University’s recent Teaching and Learning Conference, was for her second year module 'SIF2012 Food in Society'.
MyReading is the University of Huddersfield’s award-winning Reading List Management system, developed in-house by our colleagues in Computing and Library Services. Lecturers enter the details of books, journal articles and other materials that they want students to use, categorising whether it is essential or background reading. As well as presenting the reading list to students in an easy to use format with direct links to online resources, the system provides reports for Library staff, so they know which resources students will require and can make sure that sufficient copies of key texts are available.
Jane’s award is based on a score which reflects how students used the site as well as the creative way in which the more advanced features of the system, such as highlighting essential reading and annotating items to explain the relevance, were used.