University Enterprise Awards: Most Promising Opportunity

Fri, 16 Nov 2012 12:11:00 GMT

University Enterprise Awards: Most Promising Opportunity

At a ceremony earlier this year, the University of Huddersfield celebrated the winners of its Enterprise Awards 2012. At the event Gary Lucas from the School of Computing and Engineering was honoured for his valuable contribution to the University.

Gary was nominated for the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for the Most Promising Opportunity. This is awarded to staff who feature the best example of the most promising research-based opportunity that focuses upon enterprise or Intellectual Property disclosure.

Below: Professor Gary Lucas receives his award

Gary Lucas receiving his award for "Most Promising Opportunity" at the University Enterprise Awards 2012 Professor Gary Lucas won the award for the development of new flow-imaging technology which has application in the measurement of both single and multiphase flow conditions.

Electromagnetic Velocity Profiling, as the technology is termed, is potentially a cheaper and more accurate alternative to existing technologies for a flow measurement in a wide range of applications.  IP licensing is being actively pursued for use in both oil and gas and industrial processes.  As a parallel development, research continues on use of the technology in medical field, for example, blood-flow monitoring.

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