University Enterprise Awards: Enterprise Educator

Fri, 16 Nov 2012 12:11:00 GMT

University Enterprise Awards: Enterprise Educator

At a ceremony earlier this year, the University of Huddersfield celebrated the winners of its Enterprise Awards 2012. At the event Ruth Taylor from the School of Computing and Engineering was honoured for her valuable contribution to the University.

Ruth was nominated for the Enterprise Educator award. This is awarded to staff who provide the best enterprise education opportunities for their students, helping them develop enterprise skills, encouraging them to be enterprising within employment, and/or promoting business or social enterprise start-up as an alternative career option. 


Pete Birkby, Nikki Dawson and Mandy White, Jo Harris, Paul Heys, Ruth Taylor, Janna Wood, 3D and Interiors Staff Team

Third Place - Jo Harris

Joint Winners

Ruth Taylor receives her Enterprise Educator award as part of the University Enterprise Awards 2012 ‌Pete Birkby

For his drive to make UCB an Enterprising Campus, promoting enterprise within the Music curriculum, encouraging students and graduates to consider starting up their own business, and acting as a role model and mentor.

Ruth Taylor

For her role in the development of the Games Studio which has enabled students for several years to produce games for commercial release by Microsoft.  Students have won international and national game awards and developed an enterprising spirit in the curriculum through links with industry.  View full awards slideshow

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