The scientist from Spain

Fri, 23 Mar 2012 13:33:00 GMT

Skype interview lands Dr Luis Rubio a post with the Engineering Control and Machine Performance Group

Luis Rubio

The international reputation of the Centre for Precision Technologies (CPT) at the University of Huddersfield means that it generates multi-national interest among researchers.  When Spanish scientist Dr Luis Rubio (pictured)  learned that the CPT’s Engineering Control and Machine Performance Group was seeking a research fellow, he instantly applied and was interviewed via Skype.

He landed the post and has now embarked on two years of research in a field that is central to the CPT’s activities – machine tool accuracy.

It is a subject that has been central to Dr Rubio’s research too.  Also, he has worked in industry, for the major engineering companies Ideko and Innovalia.

Born in Bilbao, he has degrees in physics and electronic engineering and for his PhD, awarded at the Basque Country University, he specialised in machine tool control.

Aged 38, Dr Rubio has carried out research in the UK before – he had a spell at Nottingham University – but is delighted to have arrived at Huddersfield and the CPT, with its state-of-the-art facilities with which he is rapidly familiarising himself. 

“In machine tool control you have to be familiar with every part of the system,” he said, and he has been studying equipment such as the special sensors developed by the CPT in order to achieve huge gains in machine tool accuracy.

First impressions of Huddersfield are very positive: “I really like the university and the research environment.  It is quite a relaxed place but an excellent one in which to develop your thoughts.”

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