Thank You Awards 2012 - Winners

Wed, 18 Jul 2012 17:37:00 BST

The Thank You Awards is a Students' Union initiative supported by the Teaching and Learning Institute. It allows students to say a big 'thank you' to a member of the staff team who has made a major positive impact on their time here at the University of Huddersfield. Building on the successful Extra Mile Awards, there are three categories in which academic or support staff were nominated:

  • Inspirational Teaching
  • Exceptional Assessment and Feedback
  • Excellent Student Support

Read more about the Winners below:

Inspirational Teaching – First Prize


Ruth Neville (School of Human and Health Sciences) - watch a video of Ruth

Quotes from the students who nominated Ruth:


Ruth Neville (School of Human and Health Sciences)

“The energy and passion Ruth brings to her modules is all-inspiring”

 “Ruth develops knowledge by way of drawing from her practice experiences, from theory and evidence based practice, and also emotional intelligence – vital in a career like social work”

 “Ruth's lessons were such that we did not dare miss them - not for fear of any dire consequence but for fear of losing out on the excitement of being part of the learning that would take place”

 “In short, Ruth is a fantastic teacher and a brilliant advocate for the social work profession”


Inspirational Teaching – Second Prize

Stephen Gibbs (The Business School) - watch a video of Stephen

Quotes from the students who nominated Stephen:

“Stephen’s unique insight and ability to engage more sceptical students into a debate is testament to his broad knowledge and inquisitive nature”

“Stephen’s honesty in relation to his own journey of self-understanding has inspired many students to challenge their pre-existing ideas and empowered them to embark on their own journey of self-discovery”

“He inspired our study group to think differently and delve into current business leadership and change topics, and pushed the study group in a very patient and supportive manner to achieve and go one step further with our thinking”

Exceptional Assessment and Feedback – Joint First Prize

James McDowell (School of Computing and Engineering) - watch a video of James

Quotes from the students who nominated James:

“At the beginning of the year it was recommended to us that if we have any problems with the module work or if we don’t understand something we should upload a video of our problem to Mahara, and within a certain time period, one of our tutors should have given feedback regarding the issue. James always responds within 24 hours to problems and returns with advice in either video form, or via text depending on the complexity of the problem”

“Many times students have submitted problems or questions and received feedback out of university hours, which further proved his commitment to the role”

Naveed Yasin (The Business School) - watch a video of Naveed

Quotes from the students who nominated Naveed:

Naveed Yasin (The Business School) “Naveed’s valuable advice has helped me to effectively use my knowledge and apply theory in practice”

“Naveed’s exceptional understanding of business and entrepreneurship has motivated me to work with my family and drive our business forward in Kazakhstan”

“Naveed’s work involved not only answering my questions and giving me feedback every time I needed it - we were discussing all aspects of my case on an ongoing basis. His knowledge about my project was great so he could easily show me important parts of it that I had not even seen before”


Excellence in Student Support – First Prize

Pete Condon (School of Art, Design and Architecture) - watch a video of Pete

Quotes from the students who nominated Pete:

Pete Condon (School of Art, Design and Architecture)

“Most students rely on Pete not just to be a technician, but also to be a teacher. Pete has taught me all I know about print”

“Myself and my coursemates all agree that not one single piece of work comes out of that room without Pete helping the student out in some way or another”

“Pete is the heart and soul of the print room.  Hundreds of students rely on his help every year, and he never turns a single one away - even if they aren't printers”

“Pete provides friendly, thorough advice and is always there when you need a little guidance.  He can provide full scientific explanations of every process we use which allows us to fully understand what we do and why”


Excellence in Student Support – Second Prize

Paul Hollingdale (School of Human and Health Sciences) watch a video of Paul

Quotes from the students who nominated Paul:

“Paul’s positive attitude and professional conduct in dealing with a sensitive situation was pivotal in my decision to come to university, and without his input I may have stepped back from coming into education, or more specifically, to Huddersfield University”

“Paul has been a great source of support and guidance. Most importantly, he listened at a time when I felt very scared and vulnerable about my future on the course and had it not been for that emotional support at that time, I may not have felt capable of staying on at university”

“Having been in continuous education for more than 25 years, Mr H is the only person I have come across who is truly person-centred in a positive way. A person who REALLY believes in people”

Other Finalists

You can also read about colleagues who were finalists for the Thank You Awards but not overall winners.

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