Reverse engineering – way forward for NTR

Fri, 30 Nov 2012 12:51:00 GMT

Postgrad Tom lands KTP with Wetherby-based NTR Ltd

Tom Furness REVERSE engineering is the way forward for University of Huddersfield postgraduate Tom Furness (pictured)

After completing his MSc degree in Mechanical Engineering Design, he has landed a post as a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Associate with the Wetherby-based firm NTR Ltd, which is Europe’s leading specialist in the repair of cutting tools used for turning, boring, milling and drilling. 

Under the terms of a KTP, a firm collaborates with university experts and an associate is appointed to carry out research in the ground and act as a link. 

Tom, who is aged 25 and from Huddersfield, pays frequent return visits to the University – where his KTP supervisor is Dr Simon Fletcher – but is principally based at NTR, working on a project to automate the process of repairing damaged tools.  He is using the procedure known as reverse engineering to learn as much about the existing, manual processes and then using the knowledge gained to create Computer Numerical Control (CNC) programs. 

‌‌Tom explained that companies already make big savings by coming to NTR to buy reconditioned tools.  But the new automated techniques he is working on will cut costs further by increasing volumes and reducing turnaround times. 

NTR logo ‌His KTP is two-years in duration and he began work at NTR while he was still completing his Masters degree.  Now he is concentrating on the KTP work and has recently been helping to integrate a new CNC machine into the Wetherby factory. 

‌Tom has found the experience of being a KTP associate an excellent start to his engineering career: “It bridges the gap between university and working life.  I am based at the company but still in contact with the University and get all the support I need.” 

As for the future, he is keeping options open but one of his goals is to travel and work in Europe.

Notes to editor: NTR received support to develop their successful  Knowledge Transfer Partnership application from the University of Huddersfield’s Nanofactory project. Nanofactory is a collaborative project between six of the Regions’ research-intensive Universities (Bradford, Huddersfield, Leeds, Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam and York).  The current Nanofactory project (MNT2) is supported financially by the European Union.  The project has attracted £2,511,835 investment from the European Regional Development Fund as part of Europe’s support for the region’s economic development through the Yorkshire and Humber ERDF Programme.

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