Reflection in business ethics education

Wed, 07 Dec 2011 14:34:00 GMT

Dr Howard Harris of the School of Management at the University of South Australia came to Huddersfield to give a seminar entitled “What to teach in business ethics:  Making reflection a key element”. 

Currently visiting the University of Cambridge, Dr Harris reflected on his experience of leading large undergraduate modules back in Australia.  There is much debate about what the aim of business ethics education should be and, indeed, what is feasible, but Dr Harris argued that empirical research suggests that university education can have an impact on attitudes and that developing the capacity to reflect is one answer to the question of what can be taught.  He then outlined the various ways in which that task is approached at his University.

Given that the University of Huddersfield has signed up to the UN’s Principles for Responsible Management Education, Dr Harris’ insights were very timely and interesting.

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