Professor Rakesh Mishra honoured with the Jewel of India

Professor Rakesh Mishra receiving the Jewel of India (Hind Rattan) award

Fri, 24 Feb 2012 09:14:00 GMT

On the 25th January 2012, in a glittering function held at Ashoka Hotel New Delhi, Mr. K.C. Pant ex-defence Minister of India and Mr. Bhisma Narayan Singh ex-governor and President of the NRI welfare society of India, conferred Professor Rakesh Mishra with the Hind Rattan award (Jewel of India). The Hind Rattan award is one the most prestigious awards with a direct or indirect association of prominent personalities — including present and past members of the Indian Government.

The NRI welfare society confers this award to people who have made significant contributions and have significant achievements in their respective field, from among non-resident Indian and people of Indian origin communities.

Professor Mishra says "I am delighted and honoured to receive this award. It is so nice to know that my contributions have been acknowledged in this way."

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