Huddersfield bucks the trend for graduate jobs

graduate jobs

Thu, 17 May 2012 09:15:00 BST

The latest figures show that six months after graduation, 94.9 per cent of  former Huddersfield students are in work or have moved on to further study.  The statistics emerge from an annual survey known as Destination of Leavers in Higher Education (DLHE).

Nationally, the University of Huddersfield has an excellent track record for employability of graduates.  For example, figures compiled in 2011 by the Higher Education Statistics Agency placed the University sixth in the whole country for postgraduation employment levels.

The new DLHE figures do show a marginal fall of 0.3 per cent in the rate of “positive outcomes” for Huddersfield graduates, compared with the previous year.  But in the context of the weak economy, the latest findings are regarded as highly positive.

Stephen Boyd, who is Head of the University’s Careers and Employability Services, commented: “These latest figures clearly demonstrate that yet again the University of Huddersfield has maintained its position as one of the strongest performing universities in terms of employability.  Despite what is now a double-dip recession our graduates have continued to shine in the labour market and these figures are still among the best in the sector.

“We believe that a number of factors are responsible for this strong showing, not least our multi award-winning careers and placement support, but also the selection of the courses on offer, our focus on integrated work experience, strong links to the professions and clear career-track pathways into graduate-level jobs.”

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