BCS and the University collaborate to support students

Thu, 26 Jan 2012 09:04:00 GMT

IT students

As universities across the UK look to entice students in the face of rising fees, BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, is helping the University of Huddersfield to add further value for students on its computing courses.

386 students from the School of Computing and Engineering have been given student membership of the Institute for the duration of their course. This brings the total number of students at Huddersfield benefiting from BCS membership to approximately 450.  Following successful graduation these students will have the opportunity to upgrade to full professional membership, their first step to becoming a Chartered IT Professional.

The move will help them show potential employees their commitment to upholding the highest standards within the industry and continually developing their skills and knowledge, something more and more employers are looking for. In addition, it will give them an invaluable opportunity to network with other like-minded individuals.

Jim Norton, BCS President, explained the importance of the scheme: “This joint scheme is an innovative move with both BCS and the University of Huddersfield ensuring that computer science and IT students are given the best opportunities throughout their course and upon graduation.

“Increasing the breadth and depth of professionalism across the IT landscape is an essential step in the development of our industry.  Taking up student and then professional membership helps set these students apart from other IT practitioners and demonstrates their commitment to their own and the IT community’s continued development.”

Dr Rupert Ward, Head of Informatics at Huddersfield, said: “I am delighted that we are working with the Chartered Institute for Information Technology to offer our students further industry engagement opportunities as part of their course and their personal development. We focus on the employability and professionalism of our students and graduates and this is an important opportunity for students, who can benefit significantly from career development via the BCS, to gain further industry recognition of their skills and experience.”

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