What are the primary teacher training students up to now?

Fri, 23 Dec 2011 08:50:00 GMT
There are lots of interesting things happen on the primary course (we often see them out and about), so we asked Jonathan Glazzard, Course Leader to tell us about some of these to give a flavour of what it’s like to be on the course.
Jonathan highlighted just some of the events from this and the last year:
Students visited a residential centre in the Peak District for two days to learn about outdoor education and risk assessments.
Links were established with a Business Studies student at the University who is setting up a business supplying science resources and teaching materials to primary schools. The student is working closely with the primary teacher training students to trial the materials in their placement schools. They will be asked to teach the sessions and monitor the impact of the resources on pupils’ learning.
Students and staff from the primary course have been working as co-researchers and some students are jointly publishing academic papers. The research projects were designed to raise attainment in primary school pupils and focused on early literacy and numeracy skills.
Some trainees have been working in schools which need attainment to be raised. During 2011/12 they will work with specific groups of learners and individuals, taking them beyond meeting the Qualifying to Teach standards and helping them to begin to address the core standards for newly qualified teachers.
And finally, some innovative teacher training is taking place within a partner Academy where students are learning about innovative ICT resources through on-site teacher training in the Academy. This model will be replicated in other schools across our school partnership.