University of Huddersfield member of new Troops to Teachers conso
Tue, 16 Jul 2013 15:04:00 BST
The University of Huddersfield is to make a major contribution to a Government-funded project to train military personnel as teachers once they leave the services.
The Troops to Teachers programme aims to support a smooth transition into the civilian workforce for those Service members who are exiting their military careers who have the potential to become outstanding teachers.
The university is part of a consortium of six universities, led by the University of Brighton. It is working with a range of outstanding primary and secondary schools to support the development and delivery of the programme. The consortium will enable former Service personnel to train to teach by accessing newly created initial teacher training (ITT) routes.
The Troops to Teachers programme, funded by the Department for Education, aims to recruit the best Service leavers into teaching, including those with the highest qualifications, qualities and experiences, who have the potential to become outstanding teachers. It has been designed and developed with a group of outstanding schools and ITT providers in collaboration with the Ministry of Defence and the Career Transition Partnership.
Lorraine Harrison, head of the University of Brighton’s School of Education said: “Troops to Teachers recognises that exceptional Service leavers have invaluable skills and experiences to bring to teaching, especially if they have trained other people as part of their role; they know how to motivate, communicate, handle a situation and have the confidence and composure to work with young learners. They also have experience of working in a variety of different contexts. Troops to Teacher’s initial teacher training programme builds upon these experiences and skills.”
Those Service personnel who are in the two years before discharge or in the two years post discharge from the Armed Forces are eligible to apply.
Graduates interested in undertaking teacher training can apply for a one year, School Direct salaried, School Direct training, Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) or School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) programme.
The School Direct salaried route is available to high-quality graduates with at least three years’ work experience. Trainees are employed as an unqualified teacher by the school. Previous experience in the Armed Forces will count towards meeting the School Direct eligibility criteria.
The School Direct training route into teaching is also open to all high-quality graduates and funded by tuition fees paid by the trainee, who may receive a bursary from the Department for Education. PGCE and SCITT programmes are fee-paying routes in partnership with universities and also offer bursaries for eligible graduates. There is a website with information about this.
A two-year non graduate programme will start in January 2014. It is innovative, has a strong school-led element and is employment based. It will be delivered by a range of outstanding primary and secondary schools. Service leavers will be able to access training that draws upon and further develops their previous skills, experiences and expertise in the context of teaching.
This is an exciting new programme and one we are delighted to be involved in. For details of how to apply for this pathway, go to the Troops to Teachers webpages.