Podiatry Student Exchange

Mon, 02 Apr 2012 09:29:00 BST

In February 2012, we were delighted to welcome the first students from Madrid participating in the podiatry student exchange. This follows the success of last year’s staff exchange, when Michael Concannon lectured in Madrid and Ana Esther Levy came to lecture in Huddersfield.

Four Spanish students from Universidad Europea de Madrid visited the University for four weeks, where they undertook clinical practice and attended a lecture programme, which counted towards their degree. The exchange has been reciprocated as four Huddersfield students have returned to Madrid to undertake a 12 week clinical placement in the San Carlos Hospital and Polyclinic in Central Madrid.

It is anticipated that this new initiative will be the start of a series of further staff and student exchanges that will lead to a mutual appreciation of the profession in the respective countries and joint research collaborations between the Universities.

A second phase of staff exchanges is planned for May 2012, where Andrew Bridgen will visit and lecture in Madrid.


From front row left: Tamara Alonso Suarez, Esperanza Nieto Basaran, Leah Brooks, Francesca Sproats and Nas Bi; centre row left: Manuel Gomez Parra, Alejandro Fernandez Gibello, Michael Concannon and Jonathan Campey; back row left: Francis O’Rourke, Andrew Bridgen and Jose Arauz Canton (language tutor).

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