Excellent facilities for students

Fri, 21 Jun 2013 10:00:00 BST
Courses in this subject area enjoy specialist facilities, such as:
Computer labs
- Full internet access on all PCs in each lab
- All with Microsoft Office
- Access to library catalogues and Summon
- Fast document and flat bed scanner and printing facilities
- Dual boot iMac computers running Windows as well as Mac apps
Specialist teaching rooms
- Early years and primary rooms with specialist materials
- Science lab
- Design Technology labs in Workshop block and Lockside
- Music teaching and practice rooms
Dedicated open access lab - LS1/42
- Access whenever Lockside is open
- Will not be booked for teaching
- iMac computers with Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010
- Black and white laser printer
What's in your classrooms?
- Interactive whiteboards (SMART boards)
- Dual boot iMac AV computers
- Full Microsoft Office suite installed
- Internet access
- Amplified speakers
Technical support to help you
- Based in room 1, second floor Lockside
- Specialist technicians available every day
- Specialist equipment available for loan - forms outside office
- Need help? just ask
- Anything not working? Let them know