Early Years Professional Status Celebration Event
Wed, 20 Apr 2011 13:32:00 BST
To celebrate the success of students who had achieved Early Years Professional Status (EYPS), the University organised a celebration event in April 2011, attended by the new award holders, current early years students, Early Years Professionals (EYPs), mentors, assessors and local authority staff.
Julia Manning-Morton, who has written extensively about early years, attended to deliver a guest lecture, which was entitled, ‘Addressing emotional well being for infants, toddlers and young children through the professional development of practitioners: The Key Times, Tavistock and Well-being research projects’. This enabled her to share some of her work, which addresses emotional well-being. Julia is the Programme Director for taught courses in early childhood at London Metropolitan University, where she teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her main focus has been on developing practice with children from birth to age three and her publications include ‘Developing High Quality Provision for Children from Birth to Three’, co-written with Maggie Thorp and published in 2006. Her current work is a research project in partnership with the National Children’s Bureau exploring concepts of well-being in the early childhood field in dialogue with practitioners, parents and children.
Julie White, former student and owner of the Bent Farm Nursery in Halifax, also explained her learning journey to EYPS.
Both speakers explained about the key role EYPs have, and the importance of the EYPS award, in the development of early years practice.