Crime Time - Criminal Investigation

Thu, 15 Aug 2013 11:50:00 BST
Experts from across scientific disciplines, the police and criminal justice agencies will be attending the Advances in Temporal Forensic Investigations conference at the University of Huddersfield in November, organised by Dr Graham Williams of the University's Forensic Biology Group.
The temporal aspect of investigating crime includes providing answers to questions such as how long ago an individual died, their age at the time of death, how old forensic evidence such as stains are, and how to present that scientific evidence in a court of law. This conference, subtitled Crime, Time and the Criminal Investigation, will share cutting edge scientific research into temporal forensic investigation and discuss how the science can be applied to criminal cases.
Abstracts for posters and oral presentations can be submitted via the conference website until the end of August 2013, where registration for delegates is also open.