Business Placement Unit win top award at NUE Awards
Fri, 10 Mar 2017 10:46:00 GMT
For the past three years the Business School’s Placement Unit has been a finalist in the category 'Best University Placement Service' in the National Undergraduate Employability Awards. This year the team returned from the awards as winners!
Placements have always played a big part in providing work experience on undergraduate degrees at the Business School through a year-long position for students in a wide range of roles and industries in the UK and worldwide. To try and bridge the gap between what employers want and what our students can offer, a number of innovations have been introduced by the Unit including:
- An employability award, BPU +, to engage first year students in developing their skills and experience
- Offering first year students work experience in an initiative called the ‘Working Week’
- Delivering training sessions on the use of Excel for business
It was recognition of these measures that impressed the judges at the event held in London.
Manager of the Business Placement Unit, Andrew Stainton commented: "We had some tough competition from Russell Group universities, so were delighted to win. Because we've been finalists the past two years the judges have seen the variety of ways we have improved the service we offer to students and employers. It's nice to get recognised for our work but it is a real team effort and we've had great support from academic colleagues and also IT training staff at the University".