Innovations for Increasing Track Performance & Capacity

Fri, 13 Jan 2017 09:30:00 GMT

Dr Yann Bezin, Head of Research at the Institute of Railway Research will present results and findings of the University of Huddersfield in the EU project Capacity4Rail with a presentation on “Understanding root causes of S&C defects and assessing effective remedies”

This event is open for experts from across Europe’s rail infrastructure industry.

The workshop will be used to showcase the key track infrastructure outputs of the CAPACITY4RAIL Project (New Concepts for railway infrastructure and operation: adaptable, automated, resilient and high-capacity) in the context of potential take up of innovative solutions by the railway infrastructure industry.

It will offer an excellent opportunity to hear about the latest developments in slab track, switches & crossings, predictive track maintenance, migration strategies for innovative track solutions 2030/2050 and provide a fantastic opportunity for networking.

You can register online and find the full programme here:

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