HRM students SHARPEN their skills with charity

Mon, 10 Apr 2017 11:22:00 BST
Five Master’s students from Huddersfield Business School have been undertaking an intensive study week project with the organisation SHARPEN (SME’s HRM Attraction, Retention and Performance Enhancement Network). The project, funded by the Erasmus Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education projects, consists of five partner institutions, The University of Huddersfield in the UK, Kajaani University of Applied Sciences in Finland, Technical University Liberec in Czech Republic, Zwickau Westachsische-Hochschule in Germany and Socialiniu Mokslu Kolegija Klaipeda in Lithuania.
The primary objective of this project is to provide knowledge on people management and help Small Medium Enterprise’s (SME’s) overcome challenges in Human Resource Management (HRM) with weekly seminars and interactive learning activities for students.
The story behind SHARPEN began in 2013 where two of the partners met in the International Week in Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. Discussions led to the idea of helping SME’s to better understand young talent and vice versa, for graduating students knowing SMEs better as a prospective employer. After researching the subject, it was shown that SME’s could benefit from developing their HRM capabilities, which is where this successful and beneficial project for students and most importantly the SME’s started.
The Huddersfield students have been working with the Kirkwood Hospice for Kirklees as their partner SME and have also plan to provide additional support to the organisation by volunteering their help to the charity. The students were recognised by SHARPEN for the huge level of engagement, enthusiasm and knowledge they brought to the programme.