Explore the Open Mic Scene with a different kind of Symposium

Fri, 21 Apr 2017 11:59:00 BST
When thinking about lectures and discussions the open mic scene does not come to mind as an appropriate topic. However the University of Huddersfield, School of Music, Humanities and Media, welcomes you to a unique event on 6 May which offers a mix of performance and informal discussion for performers, artists, audiences and thinkers. This is a part of the Sound.Vision.Place series.
The day will begin at 11am in Vortex Gallery and will involve performances from local artists, presentations and debates about all aspects of open mics, and will culminate in an extended open mic at Wood Street Craft Beer & Live Music Venue, hosted by Dan Greenwood from 6.30pm. Performers taking part from 11am include poets Claire Robertson-Dwyer and Rose Condo, musicians Sam Hodgson and Gavin Hart and Martin Christie will be in discussion about his experiences of open mics nationally.
This is a free event. Find out more and show your interest on Facebook. If you have any questions please contact Dave Calvert on D.A.Calvert@hud.ac.uk