Autism@HudUni Lunch Club
Tue, 27 Sep 2016 01:50:00 BST
Last term a number of students with ASC (autistic spectrum condition) showed an interest in having a group for students with the same diagnosis to meet and be given the opportunity to ask questions and voice any concerns they may have about their studies and share their experiences and interests. Following this feedback, the Wellbeing and Disability Services organised a Lunch Club which has been successful in engaging students with ASC.
They are continuing with the Lunch Club this year with weekly sessions, every Wednesday, at 12.30pm in the Workshop Room, Student Central. This is co-ordinated by Rachael Whittles, Diane McClymont and Lauren Gascoigne, who all work in the Wellbeing and Disability Services at the University.
To find out more information please visit the website.