International Student Barometer

Wed, 02 Nov 2016 01:50:00 GMT

International Student Barometer IN

As you know this survey is extremely important to the University standing as one of our KPI’s on the University’s strategy map.

All international and EU students will be sent an e-mail from Alan Tobi, Student Experience Manager, with a link to this year’s International Student Barometer (ISB) student survey.

Please encourage your students to complete the survey to ensure we maximise response rates as their views are very important to us.

In 2014, the world-wide International Student Barometer (ISB) student survey ranked the University of Huddersfield 5th in the whole world for international students to study.

The Student Central building and the new Sports Hall were designed and built as a direct result of the University participating in this survey and we are continuing to invest in our facilities and to support our students and fantastic international student societies.

The survey will run from Wednesday 2 November 2016 until Friday 2 December 2016.

If you need more information please contact Alan Tobi in the International Office by email: 

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