Using datasets in social processes: halting Nepal deforestation

Wed, 02 Nov 2016 10:40:00 GMT
The next CSRC seminar ‘Using datasets to understand social processes: halting forest deforestation in Nepal’ will be given by Dr Johan Oldekop from The University of Sheffield.
The seminar will take place on Thursday 10th November, 1230-1400 in BS3/29. Lunch will be provided.
To attend please email
Abstract: Halting global forest loss while reducing poverty is at the core of global sustainable development agendas. This talk will show how publicly available social and environmental data from Nepal can be combined to understand how social processes and development interventions lead to social and environmental synergies and trade-offs.
Dr Johan Oldekop is an environmental biologist working increasingly as a social scientists. He has worked on decentralization and poverty alleviation policies, and the link between natural resource management and social and environmental outcomes in several countries.
He has ongoing research projects in various biodiversity hotspots and is increasingly interested in the use of publicly available datasets to understand trade-offs and synergies between conservation and development outcomes. He currently holds a European Union Marie Curie fellowship.
We hope you can join us.