Approach to Crisis Communication in the Organisation

Mon, 07 Nov 2016 13:51:00 GMT
The Business School’s Emerging Markets Research Group (EMERGE) heard Dr Marcela Papalova from the Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, present her research on Approach to Crisis Communication in the Organisation.
Marcela Papalova is a Senior Lecturer in Business Administration at the Technical University of Ostrava. Her main areas of research interest are entrepreneurial economics, risk management, strategic management and entrepreneurial skills, mainly in the Moravian – Silesian Region in the Czech Republic.
Marcela says "The approach to Crisis Communication in times of crises has become an unavoidable part of an organisation’s life. Organisational behaviour during a crisis shows how a company is perceived by the public. Crisis communication is becoming an increasingly important part of media activity and required response times are shortening all the time. Crisis communication has become a key component of crisis management.
Professor John Anchor, Director of the Emerging Markets Research Group, says “Crisis management, and the associated crisis communication, is an increasingly important issue in both developed and emerging markets. Crisis communication determines whether a crisis event becomes even more serious than it already is. Therefore it is a topic which is well worthy of serious study."