NOVUS: The Scheme that keeps on winning!

Mon, 25 Jan 2016 14:39:00 GMT
More than a hundred logistics industry leaders, NOVUS students and University staff gathered at the University of Huddersfield Business School to celebrate the success of the NOVUS scheme and its triumph in a series of industry awards.
Dean of the Business School, Professor Chris Cowton, threw a celebration party after the innovative NOVUS scheme, a partnership between industry and the University, won its third major award, picking up the PwC European Supply Chain Excellence award for Training and Professional Development. This came after wins in the Retail Week Supply Chain Awards and the CILT Annual Awards for Excellence.
The NOVUS scheme is a unique professional undergraduate programme based at the University of Huddersfield that guarantees graduate employment for students of two industry backed business degree programmes.
Andy Kaye, Chair of The NOVUS Trust, addressed the event, sharing his delight at the success of the scheme and described how incredibly proud he was of the 85 NOVUS students and their achievements.
Richard Wilson, Senior Director at Arla Foods, commented that NOVUS is an excellent way of developing much needed supply chain talent, with progress massively exceeding his expectations and already creating real value for his business.
"The party was a brilliant way to recognise our achievements and to say thank you to the 150 industry volunteers from 30 leading companies who have been involved in making the scheme a success", said David Leach, NOVUS Programme Director at the University. "Our students are benefitting enormously and will in turn bring benefit to the sponsoring companies in their future careers".