Award-winning book probes a new world of food regulation

Thu, 07 Jan 2016 15:00:00 GMT
Professor Samir Dani guides food supply chain professionals through all the complexities
THE global food supply chain is more important and complex than ever, with rafts of new regulations, including measures to deal with “food crime”, which have been prompted by episodes such as the UK’s recent horsemeat scandal. Now a University of Huddersfield professor has produced a book that provides people working in the field with a complete overview of these complex issues and many more. It has already won an international award.
Dr Samir Dani (pictured right) is a Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Head of Logistics, Operations and Hospitality Management at the University of Huddersfield’s Business School. His latest book Food Supply Chain Management and Logistics is described by its publishers as an “exciting new text” dealing with food supply from “farm to fork”.
Topics covered include food supply chain production and manufacturing; food logistics; regulation, safety and quality; food sourcing; retailing; risk management; innovation; trends in technology; challenges facing international food supply chains; plus food security and future developments.
Professor Dani has conducted extensive research into global food supply but found that there were no up-to-date books that covered all the issues.
“I realised that there was a need for something that covered regulations, international challenges in exporting food, and risks in the food supply chain environment. None of the books on the market had comprehensive coverage of all these topics that practitioners or academics could pick up and learn about all the issues”.
Prix des Associations prize
So he filled the gap with his book, which has been warmly received. In December 2015, Food Supply Chain Management and Logistics received the prize for best book at an awards ceremony in Paris. The event was organised by French body Les Plumes Des Achats & Supply Chain - a gathering of the members of four representative associations of purchasing and supply chain managers and buyers in France (ACA, X-Achats, CDAF and ADRA) to reward the best publications in Purchasing & Supply Chain for 2015. It is known as the Procurement Authors Awards.
The book received the Prix des Associations prize (Associations prize) given jointly by all four associations and Professor Dani attended the event in person to collect his award.
Areas of research
► Figure 0.1 is a diagram taken from the book showing a summary of the topics covered.
One of the many areas he has investigated is that of food crime, a term coined in the UK in the wake of the 2013 scandal in which horsemeat was found in processed beef products. The scandal led to a government probe.
Professor Dani also examined many case studies of international politics and tensions impinging on food supply - such as wheat production in Europe and Russia and a row over “killer cucumbers” between Spain and Germany and he researched innovations such as “traffic light” labelling for food and new challenges, for example, the call for reductions of sugar in food and soft drinks.
Although the book has academic value - and Professor Dani uses it in his own teaching at the University – it was written to be easily accessible to people working in the food industry.