MHM invite applications for Early Career Fellowships
Mon, 15 Feb 2016 11:50:00 GMT
The School of Music, Humanities and Media at the University of Huddersfield invites proposals from early career researchers seeking to apply for a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship based at the University. Fellowships are of three years' duration. Deadline for submitting an Expression of Interest to the University is Monday 22nd February.
The School will support outstanding applications for Leverhulme Fellowships for research projects in any field within english, creative writing, history, journalism and media, linguistics, modern languages, drama, music and music technology.
For information on the scheme, including eligibility, see The Leverhulme Trust website.
Successful fellowships would be funded jointly by The Leverhulme Trust and the School of Music, Humanities and Media at the University of Huddersfield.
Early Career Fellowships aim to provide career development opportunities for those who are at a relatively early stage of their academic careers (defined as having had their doctoral viva no more than five years prior to the closing date (i.e. after 10 March 2011) but with a proven record of research. Applicants should not have held an established academic appointment. The intention is to support the career development of those building an academic career within the UK. The Trust gives priority to applicants who show evidence of mobility during their academic careers to date. The Leverhulme online application deadline for the 2016 competition will be 4pm 10 March 2016.
Expressions of interest should be sent to Professor Monty Adkins by noon on Monday 22 February 2016, consisting of one PDF document containing:
1) a one-page CV including education, publications, any awards, thesis title and examiners;
2) a two-page draft statement of research (which may use headings similar to those in the Leverhulme scheme's notes of guidance);
3) an indication of any additional research expenses that may be needed for the proposed project, such as travel and subsistence.
A selection process internal to the School of Music, Humanities and Media will determine which proposals go forward to a full application to The Leverhulme Trust. A programme of mentoring will be offered to applicants deemed successful in this internal process.