Students’ Union book sale

Mon, 21 Sep 2015 02:00:00 BST

Book Sale

If you are a first year student ready to embark on your University journey or if you have finished your last set of modules, you can buy and sell second hand text books at the Students' Union Book Sale.

This is your opportunity to buy cheap books for your course or make some money from your old ones by selling them.

The Students' Union book sale will take place during Find your Feet Week in the Students’ Union, on Wednesday 30 September from 10.00am–3.30pm.

To sell your old books please hand them over to the Students’ Union before Monday 28 September at 4.00pm.

You will be required to fill in a seller’s form from the Students’ Union helpdesk, bring it along with your student card and let someone know how much you wish to sell the books for. A 10% commission will be required to cover the Students’ Union admin costs.

All books and money from sales will be available for collection at the Students’ Union from Wednesday 7 October and will be retained for one month. If books and money are not collected within one month they will be distributed to local charities.

For more updates you can join the event on Facebook or visit the Students' Union website.

If you require further information please contact or call 01484 473446.

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