Corporate governance research: Where to next?

Thu, 22 Oct 2015 09:39:00 BST

This was the question Professor Terry McNulty from the University of Liverpool discussed with members of FEGReG in a most enjoyable and thought-provoking seminar on Wednesday 14th October 2015.

Professor McNulty started his talk by looking back over his biography in relation to his research on boards and corporate governance. He argued that systemic breakdown and a loss of trust in corporations, related to dysfunctional corporate governance of the shareholder orientated corporation, are hallmarks of the last twenty years. This is all the more curious in a context of greater regulation and surveillance. He therefore identified ‘overcoming defective theories and practices of Corporate Governance’ as top of the research agenda for the future.

FEGReG members drew on their experience of board membership to inform their questions to Professor McNulty whose research has contributed, among other things, to a consultation by the Law Commission on ‘Fiduciary Duties of Investment Intermediaries’ (2013) and to the Higgs Review into the Role and Effectiveness of Non-Executive Directors (2003).

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