Student Barometer

Mon, 02 Nov 2015 02:00:00 GMT

Student Barometer
















We are encouraging our students to join students from across the UK and the rest of the world by sharing their views on their student experience.

We value their opinion and have invited them to take part in The Student Barometer – a student experience survey.  An email will be sent to all students with a link to the survey, as well as a student news item and messages via the University’s social media channels. Please encourage your students to take part.

It includes questions about their experience in the classroom, what support they receive from University services and their experience of living in and around Huddersfield.

This is their chance to help us to improve their experience as a student and also to congratulate staff who they think go that extra mile to help them.

They said, we did!Student Central

We built Student Central in response to the previous Student Barometer survey and other student surveys and invested more in our sports facilities and food outlets.

Student feedback helps us to make the University of Huddersfield the best place for students to study by completing the survey which is available here: The Student Barometer

Students have until Friday 27 November to complete the survey.

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