Seminar: The impact of part-time vs full-time childcare

Tue, 17 Nov 2015 09:32:00 GMT
Quantitative Analysis of Business, Economics and Finance Research Group Seminar
The impact of part-time vs. full-time childcare on mothers' labour supply: evidence from England
Wednesday 25th Nov (13:15-14:15) Room BSG/08
Speaker: Dr Claire Crawford (University of Warwick)
All staff and students welcome
Research exploiting government interventions in the market for child care to estimate the impact of child care price or availability on maternal labour supply has generally focused on the introduction of these policies, i.e. it has assessed the impact of offering free or subsidised child care compared with offering nothing. Yet with many OECD countries now considering expanding existing child care subsidies, it is becoming at least as important to understand the impact of extending such policies. Our paper offers new evidence on this issue, estimating the causal impacts of initially offering mothers free child care that covers half of the school day, and then for the whole of the school day. Our approach exploits date of birth discontinuities in eligibility rules governing access to free child care in England together with individual longitudinal data, one of the few papers in this literature to do so. Identification comes from the fact that different women have children who gain eligibility at different points in the year, and at different ages.