New Open Access Policy

Thu, 30 Apr 2015 13:46:00 BST

The University has adopted a new policy for open access that comes into force from Friday 1 May 2015.

Under the new policy, any peer reviewed articles and conference papers should be deposited in the Repository within three months of them being accepted for publication.  You should deposit the author accepted manuscript, which is the version that has been accepted and has had any peer review comments incorporated but before it has been formatted and typeset by the publisher.

Books, chapters and other works are not affected.

This will align our processes with those for the next Research Exercise Framework REF2020 which will only count journal articles and conference papers which follow these rules.

The policy also clarifies processes around article processing charges.  Research funded from the Research Councils will be funded centrally, other research will be funded at the discretion of Schools who will publish the criteria and who to contact to their staff.

See for more details.

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