Migration of Wisdom to Sharepoint

Thu, 14 May 2015 01:50:00 BST

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to give you advance notice of a significant project that Computing and Library Services is about to begin.

Over the next 18 months or so, we will be migrating information from Wisdom (our document management system) into a new service within Unishare.  Wisdom currently holds a wide range of documents for the University, such as committee papers, health and safety records, module and programme specifications, and some parts of the student record.

This move will mean that we can begin to progress towards a one-stop-shop where all University information is held in one place, instead of the multiple locations that we currently use.  This will allow us to make much more efficient use of our resources, and we will also be able to take advantage of the superior search facilities available in Unishare.

There will also be the opportunity to implement a new Data Classification Scheme for the University which will mean that the way we organise our storage will better reflect the way the University actually operates.

We will undertake the migration one area at a time – for example committee papers, then health and safety, and so on.  At the moment, you do not need to do anything as we will be contacting relevant users directly to discuss the migration project, and how it will affect them. 

In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns please contact Sarah Gullick on ext. 1262 who is leading this work.

With best wishes,

Alan Radley

Deputy Director of Computing and Library Services and Head of Computing Services

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