Students explore Chetham’s legacy

Sir Humphrey Chetham

Wed, 25 Mar 2015 11:45:00 GMT

Humphrey Chetham

Students on the Global Business and Logistics Management course paid a visit to the oldest surviving public library in Britain to explore the legacy of 17th c. cloth trade merchant Sir Humphrey Chetham, the Sir Richard Branson of his period.

The visit came within an innovative programme of study which requires students to use research-based-learning to develop an understanding of the global management challenges in an increasingly volatile future. Chetham’s  trade in fustian (heavy cloth woven from cotton) evolved into the powerhouse of the textile industry, with students encountering the exponential growth of both the industrial revolution and the urbanisation of society, creating a context for understanding new turns in globalised business, including the revolution in capital flows, deregulation, privatisation and how change itself is changing, with students coming to terms with the pace of global interconnectedness sweeping away old concepts of management. Chetham left his money to education, a hospital and poor relief, avoiding carefully swingeing tax demands of the government of the day.

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