Private Finance and the UK Highways Agency

Fri, 26 Jun 2015 10:20:00 BST

On 15th June 2015 Professor Istemi Demirag, Professor of Accounting, Director of Post Graduate Research and Head of the Accounting Group at Keele University Management School spoke to FEGReG members and students about the findings of a study, conducted jointly with Dr Salman Ahmad and Prof. Ciaran Connelly of Queens University Belfast, into a Private Finance Initiative (PFI) project commissioned by the UK Highways Agency. The study had found that trust played a crucial role in the collaboration between both contracting parties, particularly when aspects of the contract required renegotiation. Without trust tensions arise which might impede the achievement of the objectives of the PFI. Questions from FEGReG members highlighted the importance of contextual awareness when studying such initiatives, particularly when focusing on international settings.


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