University Donations Policy

Tue, 06 Jan 2015 11:38:00 GMT

The University has recently developed a Donations Policy and Procedure to ensure that the University actively manages the risks associated with the acceptance and refusal of donations. The policy was approved by University Council in November 2014.

As an exempt charity, the University must consider any decision to accept or refuse a donation in accordance with Charity Law; a charity can only refuse a donation if to accept it would be more detrimental to the charity than rejecting it.  Any such decision will involve a careful analysis, on a case by case basis, of the extent to which the University is likely to be harmed by accepting a donation and balancing that against the potential benefits.  Having a policy that clearly states the University’s position will ensure that donations are only turned down for legitimate reasons.

Please take some time to familiarise yourself with the policy if you are likely to be involved in such decisions: Donations Policy and Procedure

If you have any questions please contact Michaela Boryslawskyj, University Secretary, email:

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