Equipped for the Future!

Mon, 13 Oct 2014 15:28:00 BST

The Yorkshire and Humber Youth Work Unit Annual Conference, delivered this year in partnership with the University of Huddersfield Youth and Community course team is taking place on Friday 14 November at the University of Huddersfield.

This conference will explore the current challenges and opportunities for Youth and Community providers, young people and Youth and Work Units.

Patrick Ambrose, Resource Director of the Regional Youth Work Unit for Yorkshire and Humber and conference organiser has explained that the idea is to bring people across Yorkshire and Humber together for networking and to share good practice. 

“We’ve been in contact with all the youth workers in Yorkshire and we’ve realised there is a need for better communication and awareness between youth centres as they are not aware what is happening in other areas. And people want to be brought together for these sorts of things.”

He further stresses the importance of the conference adding that “the conference will bring together not just heads of practice but also the people involved. It is really very important to help build these connections because when times get bad, people tend to turn inwards and focus on own problems in their own little world. But when times are good, they are also reaching out and talking to other people and going to see other people and finding out what they are doing. It is really important to bring them together even if it is just once or twice a year, to talk about what is going on. So this conference it’s really very important.”

The keynote speaker is Julie Hilling MP.

Workshops include:

  • National Developments - The Institute of Youth
  • New ways of Working; Youth Co-ops – the challenges and opportunities
  • Letting the Work Speak; Quality Mark – Ambition
  • Europe and Youth Work – Erasmus - ECORYS
  • Cross Border Work; developing a response to trafficking in the region – NWG Network.
  • The Prevent Strategy – is it still broken, or has it been fixed?


For more information about the conference and tickets just follow the link:  http://www.youthworkunit.com/site/annual-conference-equipped-for-the-future-booking-forms/

For maps and information about the Huddersfield campus please visit: http://www.hud.ac.uk/about/the-university/maps/

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