Equality for Women in Science: Sometime, Now, Never?
Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:34:00 BST
Lecture by Professor Paul Walton from the University of York
Professor Paul Walton (pictured) Wednesday 8 October, from 1.15pm to 2.15pm, in the Sir George Buckley Lecture Theatre
Despite that fact that the fraction of male and female undergraduates in science in the UK is about equal, by the time you reach the senior grades of the profession the fraction of women has dwindled. The data show that women appear to face barriers at every stage of moving up the ranks, regardless of subject and regardless of sector, and that we face a systemic and highly-damaging situation where large swathes of the scientific workforce are being prevented from reaching the top positions or are being forced out of the profession. This includes universities, where the problem appears to be particularly acute in Chemistry and in Medicine. This talk explores the issue. It takes a critical look at the modern social-science literature which is now informing the reasons behind gender inequality. It will also discuss the possible interventions that everyone can make to help address the issue.