Copyright Data Collection Exercise
Thu, 09 Oct 2014 14:10:00 BST
The Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) is undertaking a Data Collection Exercise (for teaching materials only) at the University between Wednesday 8 October 2014 and Tuesday 18 November 2014.
What does this mean to you?
During the period of the exercise, if you are copying hand-outs to distribute to your students that contain photocopied extracts from works in copyright including books and journals then we need to know about it.
How do you inform us?
Yellow cardboard post boxes have been sited next to all staff photocopiers across the university. Whilst copying your hand-outs please copy an extra identification page of the original, this could be the title page of a book, the back cover of a book (with the barcode and isbn at the bottom) or the front cover of a journal. Put one of the stickers available in the top of the box on the single identification copy and indicate how many pages you have copied from the original and how many copies (hand-outs) you have created before posting the page in the box.
If you have your hand-outs printed by Printing Services you don’t need to do anything else. The information will be recorded for you.
If you have created hand-outs including course hand books over the summer for use by your students between the dates above and you have not already done so, please forward a copy to Chris Beevers (details below) and they will include it in the data collection.
What is the aim of the exercise?
This is one way the CLA uses to identify the rights holders so that they can distribute our license fees in the form of royalties. So if you are a published author (even if you are using copies of your own works in class) this is a way that you and your colleagues can get remunerated when your work is used for educational purposes.
Where can I find out more?
More information can be found on the CLA’s own FAQs leaflet and if you have any further queries please contact Chris Beevers the License Co-ordinator (, 01484 472051).