Teachers’ Pension Scheme
Fri, 09 May 2014 15:00:00 BST
Human Resources will shortly be issuing the Annual Benefit Statements which have just been received from Teachers’ Pensions (TPS). They do not send these statements for all members of the scheme at the University of Huddersfield. Some of the main reasons we do not receive statements from them include:
- members have already used the My Pension Online service to access a statement
- members have only recently joined the scheme
- members are already in receipt of pension benefits from TPS and have subsequently been re-employed on a part time basis.
TPS are encouraging all scheme members to register for My Pension Online which offers new and improved services. This is the quickest and easiest way for members to access their statements. You can find more information here http://www.teacherspensions.co.uk/
If you have any questions please call 3899.