Tour de France 100 day countdown festival

Mon, 24 Mar 2014 13:15:00 GMT

Tour de France The University is joining in the celebrations for one of the biggest sporting competitions to come through the streets of Huddersfield.

The Tour de France which is the biggest cycling race in the world has been renamed Le Tour de Yorkshire for 2014 as the race comes through our county in July.

As part of this magnificent event the University’s Campus Events team and Students’ Union are hosting a joint event in Student Central to celebrate the 100 day countdown to the big event arriving in Huddersfield.

A French-themed day will give you a chance to take part in some cultural activities hosted by the University’s French student society. There will be a strong sporting presence with Team Hud setting challenges for you to try their spinning machines and there will be the opportunity to have a go on the ‘Velotron’ bike machine with staff and students from Human and Health Sciences.

There will also be stalls with members of both Huddersfield Giants and Huddersfield Town Football Club, who will both be bringing their mascots along. The University’s Cycling society will also be there for you to meet and get involved with, plus games and fun with the Students’ Union, including:

  • Frogs and snails penny sweets
  • Mike Fish’s fancy bike!
  • Spinning bikes from Team Hud
  • Cycling Society – 'give it a go' local bike rides throughout the day
  • Marie Curie collection drive

Activities will take place on both levels 4 and 5 of Student Central and there will also be some traditional French dishes on the University menu in Campus Kitchen for the day.

For more information or details of how you can get involved please e-mail:

Facebook: Le Grand Depart Tour de France 

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