Research Leadership Forum
Wed, 19 Mar 2014 06:00:00 GMT
This forum is led by Dr Aaron Cassidy (Reader in Composition, School of Music, Humanities and Media) and is a case study of his experience working with the Huddersfield University Press. The book he published in October, ‘Noise in and as Music,’ sold out its first printing in its first three months and has had over 650 digital downloads from the repository so far.
Aaron will speak about the advantages and disadvantages of working with the University Press and the implications for open access. He has also worked with the HCR CD/DVD label, which is run in partnership with the Press, so he will also discuss the non-monograph options for research dissemination through the Press as well.
The forum aims to be of interest to researchers across different disciplines and aims to expand the dialogue with the Press to make a nimble, efficient and effective model for 21st century academic publishing.
The forum will be held on Thursday 8 May from 4.00pm until 5.00pm in the George Buckley lecture theatre (in the Researcher Hub). If you would like to attend, please email