Keep your property safe
Mon, 31 Mar 2014 04:00:00 BST
As part of the student safety activity on campus PC Laura Jackson and her team of volunteers will be promoting the Immobilise website, which is a free property recording system used by police across the country to identify any recovered property. You can record any property on the site and it only takes two minutes to set up.
PC Laura Jackson will continue to raise awareness of this website during week commencing 7 April on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday (10.30 – 3.00pm) in the Students’ Union (1st floor in Student Central) and on Tuesday and Friday (10.30 - 3.00pm) in the Central Services Building Atrium.
As part of this campaign PC Laura Jackson and her team of volunteers will be marking people’s property with a star sticker if left unattended during week commencing 31 March to highlight how easy it is to lose or have property stolen. So keep an eye out for the stickers – you might find one on your property!
If you would like any further information please contact PC Laura Jackson, tel: 07939466979.