Huddersfield Weather Watch for February 2014
Mon, 10 Mar 2014 13:36:00 GMT
Very mild, but very wet!
February, like January, was very mild and very wet. It was also the third windiest month since the University's records began with significant damage caused on Wednesday 12th. The average figures are those recorded since 1990 from the School of Applied Sciences Weather station.
The monthly mean temperature was 6.47˚C, almost a degree higher than the average figure for February of 5.47˚C. The warmest day of the month was Sunday 23rd with an average temperature of 11˚; the highest maximum temperature of 13˚C was also recorded on this day. The coldest day of the month was Tuesday 11th with an average temperature of 3.5˚C. The lowest minimum temperature of -0.8˚C was recorded on Thursday 27th. The temperature fell below zero on two days of the month.
A total of 106.2mm of rainfall was recorded during the month (average 73.7mm), making it the wettest February since 2011 and the sixth wettest February since the University's records began. The wettest day of the month, receiving 17.9% of the month’s total, was Friday 14th with 19mm of rain. Just three days of the month escaped rainfall with no significant dry spells.
Wind speeds for the month were significantly higher than average. The mean wind speed was 16.78km/hr, making it the third windiest month. The highest mean wind speed was 36.36km/hr recorded on Wednesday 12th. The highest gust of wind for the whole month was 134.28km/hr again recorded on Wednesday 12th, one of the highest for February.
The prevailing wind direction for the month was south west.
Julie Walker
Resource Centre and Environmental Technician
School of Applied Sciences