Drop-in sessions with the Enterprise Team
Wed, 12 Mar 2014 05:00:00 GMT
The Enterprise Team are pleased to announce that they will be hosting drop-in sessions next to the Careers and Employability sign within Student Central between 12.00pm and 2pm on:
Thursday 27 March 2014
Thursday 24 April 2014
Thursday 29 May 2014
They will be happy to chat to you about your business idea, enterprise, or just tell you what they do. Come along if you have any questions.
If you can’t wait until Thursday 27 March to speak to them, you can pop along to the Duke of York Young Entrepreneur Centre in the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre, or contact them at enterprise@hud.ac.uk or 01484 473908.
For further information you can also visit: www.hud.ac.uk/enterprise