University of Huddersfield students on placement with Mexx

Mon, 30 Jun 2014 12:12:00 BST
Mexx, a fashion and accessories design brand based in Amsterdam, and the University of Huddersfield have built a close working relationship over the last couple of years. Mexx, has offered nine placements to some talented students from the School of Art, Design and Architecture over the past two years. Our students who are part of the Mexx team come from a range courses within the School including Fashion Design with Marketing and Production, Fashion Design with Textiles, Graphic Design and Surface Design.
Our students thoroughly enjoyed their time with Mexx because “it was a progressive, high-paced and dynamic company to work for”. They also said that Mexx was “very open to different ways of thinking and encouraged creativity, new ideas and suggestions from all their employees”.
Students were given a high level of responsibility by Mexx and were treated as fulltime employees. They say that this has given them an insight into the complexity of developing a commercial international fashion brand and the work that goes on behind such a brand.
Mexx now have 12 new placement opportunities available for 2014/2015.