PhD success for Talib Hussain

Wed, 25 Jun 2014 10:35:00 BST
Talib Hussain has successfully completed his PhD in novel formulation and pharmaceutical analysis under the supervision of Dr Laura Waters.
Talib undertook a detailed study of novel methods to formulate a series of compounds which are renowned for their complexity, followed by their analysis using calorimetry and related techniques. His research was mainly concerned with formulation using controlled microwave heating to 'melt' the mixtures to determine if that affected subsequent drug release.
Based on his results it was found that it was possible to formulate unique products that behaved very differently to any of those currently on the market. This could in future lead to a number of drugs being reformulated to improve their bioavailability, for example increasing the speed at which they work or the length of time they last.
Alongside the formulation research Talib was keen to investigate the process by which they interacted as they were formulated, this was studied using a technique known as isothermal titration calorimetry. From this work he was able to understand how the compounds behaved in a far more detailed way which again, will help with formulation of many products. His research has already resulted in several publications in journals and he has presented his work at a number of conferences.
This avenue of research will continue to be investigated within the group as it has been extremely useful and further work will hopefully expand the study to investigate the use of novel formulation methods for pharmaceutical applications.
Our congratulations to Dr Hussain!