Latest book about NEETs now in print

Tue, 03 Jun 2014 16:23:00 BST
Members of the School of Education and Professional Development staff have produced a newly published book entitled ‘Education, Work and Social Change: Young People and Marginalisation in Post-Industrial Britain’, published by Palgrave MacMillan in May 2014.
Written by Professor Robin Simmons, Dr Ron Thompson, and Dr Lisa Russell of the School of Education and Professional Development at the University, the book aims to present a detailed account of young people’s NEET experiences.
As Dr Ian Findlay, from the Department of Education, University of Oxford states in his review, "This book is a delight to read. Simmons, Thompson and Russell have produced a text that is both empirically grounded and theoretically informed. The case studies of the young people interviewed provide a moving authenticity. The authors confirm the message of several previous studies in this area. The problems of youth marginalisation lie in the intersection of the structural and personal. This is sociology at its best, as C. Wright Mills put it, at the junctions of history and biography and of private troubles and public issues. It should be read by all politicians, journalists, youth workers and students seeking to understand some of issues surrounding marginalised young people."
Professor Robin Simmons
Dr Ron Thompson
Dr Lisa Russell
For more informtion about the book please visit