Hudds to hold demo day for new SIMI 3D Motion Analysis system
Thu, 12 Jun 2014 13:55:00 BST
The University is the first in the country to have the brand new version of the SIMI 3D Motion Analysis system, which will be demonstrated on 17 June 2014.
Date: Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Time: 10.00am
Place: Ramsden building, RG/14
A SIMI Motion analysis demonstration workshop is to be held in the University’s Biomechanics laboratory on Tuesday 17 June. The University is the first in the country to be equipped with a new SIMI Motion 3D system, comprising four synchronized high-speed cameras integrated with a Force Plate and EMG data. The system analyses videos of movement, enabling students to perform a huge range of analyses including example 3D spinal modelling, function of the foot and ankle in sport or disease, weight lifting technique, facial expression recognition and more. Further information is available on SIMI’s website.
If you wish to attend the demonstration please contact:
Michael Fish